Monday, November 19, 2012

Terrible Right-Wing Political Cartoons: Entering the Right-Wing Mind Through Comics

Today, we travel into the core of the modern "conservative" (read, "bat-shit crazytarded") mindset using comics!

So sit back and enjoy trying to wrap your mind around some of the crazy-ass shit that half of our country actually believes--in whimsical cartoon form!

Note: I don't own the rights to any of these comics. I use them here for educational purposes... or something.

Let's start with an entry in the classic "being gay is a choice and/or evil" category... a right-wing talking point that was totally under-represented in the arena of political cartoons... until now!
I don't know what this one even means, but it's provocative! The dog is apparently a liberal and is making a point about something, but I think maybe it's done sarcastically? I'm not sure; it would be easier to figure out if it made any fucking sense.
Wait, what?! Does Mickey Mouse hate gay people, or is he just offended to the point of violence by the other character's over-the-top stereotypical lisp? Either way, talk about a total cream puff inhaler...

Ohhh, come on... besides, why would the illegitimate love child of President Obama and the Allstate voiceover guy care about a "WHITE HOUSE" sign at the North Pole?

Hahaha! GET IT, A MOUSE!!! Obama is LITERALLY GIVING TAXPAYER MONEY TO MICE!!! These right-wing cartoonists are just too much!!!
I must have missed this when it was on TV. But I'm sure it actually happened, otherwise why would a conservative draw it as an unattractive cartoon and post it on the internet?
Oh, what? Now we're gonna let androgynous bunnies wear skirts to high school and hang out with robots?!?! THAT'S IT, I'M DONE LIVING IN THIS FUCKED UP WORLD *EATS A BUNCH OF POISON AND DIES*
*COMES BACK TO LIFE FOR A LITTLE WHILE* Here's a bonus link for making it to the end of the article (which means you obviously enjoy your crazy.) Snappy Comebacks for "Feminist Misinformation" from the good folks at MAN, WOMAN & MYTH.

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