Here's some memes I love to hate.
Paul Ryan meme - Girl, you must be an Obama entitlement program because you are definitely raising my interest rate.
Reasons this meme is fucking dumb:
1.) Obama actually didn't invent welfare. I know it was way too long ago to remember, but there were also like ten or twelve people in the world using food stamps and other "entitlements" during the Bush administration.
2.) It doesn't look like Paul Ryan is trying to pick up a woman; it looks like he's giggling at a brown person whose unemployment is about to run out and doesn't know how they're going to feed their children.
3.) "Interest rate" and "cock" don't even rhyme.
Ronald Reagan meme - This man didn't spend his entire first term blaming Jimmy Carter.
Reasons this meme is fucking horrible:
1.) Jimmy Carter didn't start an illegal war, sending Americans to their deaths for reasons that were never defined and making the rest of the world hate us.
2.) Jimmy Carter was not a barely-literate douchepuppet with a creepy ogre of a VP pulling his strings.
3.) George Bush does not care about black people.
Obama meme - "The rich don't pay their fair share." / Receives more taxpayer-funded perks than Royal Family.
Reasons this meme is fucking stupid:
1.) We don't have a royal family in this country. Assuming this is a reference to the British Royal Family, why the fuck would ANY American tax dollars go to "perks" for them?
2.) The royal family is a FUCKING ROYAL FAMILY. Royal families are typically FUCKING RICH. The President of the United States of America is a JOB, which is actually somewhat different than BEING A MEMBER OF A CERTAIN FAMILY... so if by "perks" you mean HIS FUCKING SALARY, then yes.
3.) What the fuck is up with the hibernating bear superimposed on his head?
Obama meme - "Members of Congress aren't doing their jobs" / Gives them a pay raise
Reasons this meme is fucking awful:
1.) The position of POTUS entails many duties. But Human Resources director for Congress is actually NOT FUCKING ONE OF THEM. Obama has never "given" Congress a pay raise... if this is supposed to allude to the fact that Congress gave THEMSELVES a pay raise on Obama's watch, then guess what: EVERY FUCKING PRESIDENT EVER HAS "GIVEN" CONGRESS A PAY RAISE.
2.) Congress isn't fucking doing their jobs; do Conservatives suddenly disagree with this just because a black guy mentioned it now?
3.) What the fuck is up with the hibernating bear superimposed on his head?
Ron Paul - Whiny Bullshit Excuses Multi-Meme
Reasons this meme is fucking pathetic:
1.) Yeah, I get it, people on the internet think Ron Paul is awesome... but do you really think you're going to put him over .0001% of the popular vote by putting together a nine-panel super-meme of pouty reasons we should all feel ashamed of ourselves for not giving a shit about him? The best memes are hilarious in clever ways, sometimes subtle, sometimes offensive, but always with a sharp, zingy point. But this? This is a bunch of passive-aggressive pussy shit that just makes me feel embarrassed for whoever created (and subsequently jerked off to) it. If your meme can be described as long-winded, you're probably doing it wrong.
2.) Ron Paul makes a lot of good points when he does his gloom-and-doom act about the economy, but he's also a creepy old racist, homophobic fartknocker. Yeah, I said it. He's a fucking FARTKNOCKER. And he named his son after a character in a mediocre science fiction novel, which is almost as sad as the fact that there are a bunch of people who think that Ayn Rand was anything more than a mediocre science fiction author.
3.) Ron Paul is from Texas.
laugh out loud, winking face.